Monday, December 21, 2009

Hooked on Heat

The other night, I happened upon the blog Japanese Ham Sandwiches, and a world opened up. I had no idea people were blogging about their Bikram experiences. Furthermore, its author, Cirita, keeps going, with Bikram and with blogging. Too many bloggers poop out after a few posts; at least, that's what a number of google searches netted when I went about finding Bikram bloggers. And a completed 60-day yoga challenge? Wowza.

My journey began last year. I had heard about hot yoga before, and had immediately turned my nose up at the thought. I don't ski, I don't bungee jump, I don't eat fruitcake...if I'm going to torture myself, I want to pick something I actually enjoy to exact punishment. Like, you must eat this gallon of cookies & cream within one hour. That kind of torture. Exercising in 105° heat did not sound appealing at all.

So I'm not sure what made my mind do a 180° - perhaps it was boredom, perhaps it was an adrenal/thyroid deficiency that left me increasingly cold all the time, or perhaps it was the cute neighbor boy who was into it, but one day last year I decided to try hot yoga.

The instructor was great, the people were friendly and comprised many levels of experience...not just freakishly bendy ghouls I thought might only frequent such a place. Yes, it was difficult - many poses outright impossible - but hell. Even the crushing headache the next day did not dissuade me. The euphoria I experienced after class was stunning. Even though it would be a while before I got into it on a regular basis, I knew that I had found something that spoke to the very core of me. I was hooked.

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